Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Shack - William P Young

The Shack by William P. Young has been a popular choice via the various online retailers.

Waine, has done a review of the book here but I thought I would post his concluding comments on the book. Read the full review on his site and give him the feedback if you've read the book!

Waine's comments:
I highly recommend the book, even for the sheer reading pleasure. It also has a fantastic way of challenging “Religion” and highlighting the nature, and love of God in a real world where pain, in so many forms, is so prevalent, in so many lives, including my own. I want every person that I know to read this book which in my opinion will certainly be an ageless classic!

Details of book
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN-13: 978-0-340-97949-5

1 comment:

  1. there was a huge display of this book at CUM books at canal walk, I saw it there this week, they have copies for R25.00 each or something

    They had so many copies, it was crazy. It was like maybe over 600 copies that looked like a water fountain when you walk in

    go CUM:)
