Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wild Fire - Nelson Demille

Hell this was a fun read.

I've really started enjoying Nelson Demille - in particular his wise-cracking John Corey character. The one-liners that he comes with are absolute pearlers and I think the ability to make your characters fun, means that readers will keep coming back.

Wild Fire was a good read. Basically a US oil billionaire has decided he is going to explode two suitcase nuclear bombs in the US as a way to start nuclear armageddon that will wipe out the middle-east and its terrorist elements.

Corey and his wife Kate are alerted to the problems when a fellow-agent goes missing while investigating a mysterious lodge where a number of high-powered political figures have been gathering.

All the while there is this nagging concern that somebody at head-office or at the CIA isn't all that excited about this case being solved.

It becomes a real race against time as Corey needs to investigate without knowing who he can actually trust. I enjoyed the book because it was a simple to read, fast page turning book which kept me interested right to the end.

Title: Wild Fire
Author: Nelson Demille
ISBN: 978-0-7515-3827-4

Rated the book a 3 and half out of 5 - good fun!

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